Monday, April 25, 2011

Starbucks Goes Mobile

        Starbucks has come out with a faster way to pay for coffee and it’s as easy as a push of a button. Starbucks has created an app that allows people to fill up a gift card online that exists only on phones so when people get up to the checkout counter, they just get their “card” scanned and the money gets taken off of it. This is a great way to interact the growing technological field with their growing company. This will make Starbucks more “customer friendly” for those who have iphones, and is also getting lots of free publicity off of all the papers and news teams that are talking about the app. Apps can get very popular very fast, almost becoming a trend. If the Starbucks app gets enough popularity people will want to try it out – people will buy drinks just to see what it is like to buy drinks on the iphone. This is a very smart move because with Starbucks on peoples mind (seeing it every time they look at their phone) and making it quicker and faster to buy drinks, Starbucks’ profit can only rise because more people will want to buy drinks and try out their “new toy”. 
 -Kendall Healy


  1. I think this is an extremely economically efficient idea. By Starbucks creating a way for people to fill up gift cards by using an iPhone app they are economically benefiting the Starbuck Corporation. The demand of filling up gift cards will increase as a result of it being much more accessible for people to fill up cards with money because they can do it from where ever they want instead of having to go all the way to Starbucks. The demand will increase which means the profit will also increase. As a result of this creating such a creative idea the public will want to publicize this which will advertise Starbucks and make more people want to buy coffee at Starbucks. Since Apps are so popular today people who never bought gift cards will now start being willing to buy them because of the app. By using new technology Starbucks is doing just what they need to do in order to really increase profit in their company. Starbucks is really putting their best foot forward by creating this app, it is going to take their company to the next level.

  2. This was a really smart move for Starbucks. Not only will Starbucks gain money from consumers that want to try the new “card”, but they could also gain more profit because lines will move faster. Many customers will be able to go to Starbucks without having to worry about not having enough time to get their favorite drink.

    I think the only problem is that a lot of consumers will only use their “card” once. If I bought the app, I would probably buy a few drinks and use until it ran it. Because honestly, it seems like the app is just the same as using a credit card. I bet Starbucks customers will only use the app to try it out. Because honestly, it seems like reloading the card would be too much of a hassle.

    I guess Starbucks isn’t losing anything from the app – so why not create it?

    Amber Stephens

  3. I think this is a brilliantly smooth idea by Starbucks that will benefit both the company itself and the consumer. Consumers will enjoy the fact that purchasing a cup of coffee will now be easier than ever since all you have to do is whip out your phone and have an amount taken off of a gift card. This saves time for people who are in a hurry and can't take the extra moments to divvy out the exact cash and change to make the purchase. It will be way more convenient for an avid Starbucks consumer to have this app because it saves time and can be seen as a fun way to purchase coffee. I agree that apps do tend to become trends, which leads to apps becoming more popular and highly sought after. If this Starbucks app becomes popular, more people will want to try it out thus making the demand for Starbucks increase since an increasing amount of people will have a desire to use it. But this new invention also benefits Starbucks because of the increasing demand of Starbucks’ products thanks to the new app and the publicity it generates. I think this was definitely a smart move by Starbucks to create this app because it attracts additional consumers as well as a great amount of media attention, which then generates more profit and demand.

  4. Finally, Starbucks has made it own app. I feel this will completely beneifiticial to the iphone app market as well as Starbucks. Americans use their iphones for completely everything in this day and age, it is only natural that they would use their iphones to order goods such as coffee as well. There isn’t a task that the iphone can not seem to do. Starbucks will benefit greatly from their new app. People will buy more coffee because it is now more convienent then ever. They can do everything right from their phone . The process of ordering coffee will also be faster. By creating the app the demand for Starbucks’s coffee will increase because Starbucks has catered to its consumers. People will also buy the app because they would just like to try it out. This product will give Starbucks a vast amount of publicity. In my opinion, Starbucks has a made a very smart move by introducing this app, it will bring them publicity and the demand for their product will increase. They will also be keeping their consumer’s happy by keeping up with the latest technology.

  5. Starbucks had a good idea when it created this app because it is a perfect way to spread around the shops and make it more popular. People will now have it on their phones, which they are constantly using and have constant access to. I definitely think that it will be beneficial to not only Starbucks the company, but to the customers who won't have to keep track of cards at all times. Money will be spent on it and it will be able to produce more and regulate the economy considering how big and popular an industry Starbucks is.

  6. This was a really smart move for Starbucks.Apps are really a big thing right now and since Starbucks is already popular, they will only increase their popularity and their business. This shows customers that Starbucks is tech savy and want to be as up to date for their customers as possibe. This will also benefit the i-phone app business since Starbucks is a high demand for some people. This app will make it easier for people to pay for their coffee and since there are some people that cannot go through the day without at least one coffee this will ony benefit their needs. Even people that don't have starbucks all the time will have their starbucks app show up on their phone and woud possibly cause the person to want starbucks more, if not then it is just great for advertisement. This is very good financially for both starbucks and i-phone apps, and wass a really smart move on their part.
    -Addie A.

  7. Usually when a company makes an iphone app they are trying to attract customers. This new Starbucks idea is a great idea for them to maximize profits and release a new way to convince people to buy their coffee. Although Starbucks is already the leading coffee store worldwide, they are facing many necessary close outs; which is probably due to more and more competition with other coffee shops like Saxby's. By releasing this gift card app, they make it much easier for customers to purchase coffee. Not only is it easier, but it is also a new and exciting way to pay for your purchase. Starbucks has absolutely no way of losing money by releasing this app because it has no fixed cost. In fact, if they start charging for the app soon, they will make money by both the amount of apps they sell and the amount of customers the app attracts. With the demand for coffee not as high because of the weather, Starbucks will see the effects of this app more in the winter season when coffee is in such high demand. This is a great idea by Starbucks and it will be very interesting to see how this app effects the demand for coffee.

  8. Starbucks is already a very successful company and this will make them have bigger profits. I agree that it will become more customer friendly and faster because with all the iphones being used these days and all the popular apps coming out it will make Starbucks’ profits float sky high. I agree with Addie. It was a smart idea for Starbucks to keep up with what customers like. People will also be more likely to go more because with this being a faster and more efficient way of pay, the lines will become shorter and it will allow people to keep track of one less thing. I do agree with Shahrukh that Starbucks has competition but even Saxby’s can’t beat Starbucks right now.
    There are issues that could come with this app though. If this app becomes popular it could crash and maybe it could be possible that people may lose money. I also agree with Amber. I think that is something that will be popular for a bit or something that people will just try out for a bit, but will soon get tired of reloading money onto it.

  9. The idea that technology has advanced so far as to allow us to use our phones as a type of credit card amazes me. Technology has become a large factor of modern times. People are constantly looking for ways to advance technology and Starbucks is only feeding the American desire. I imagine that the iPhone is also making a large amount of money off of this new deal. I also believe that the increased publicity of Starbucks and their move will increase business for Starbucks. In a sense this new app and Starbucks may become supplements to each other. Those who own iPhones may make purchases from Starbucks simply to try out the new app. While frequent Starbucks go-ers may find themselves buying the iPhone for convenience of purchasing their next Tazo Chi Tea Latte. Starbucks has made a very wise decision of taking the next step with technology. These events have made me wonder how much longer it will be until our entire credit system will be on our phones? And at what point do we stop adding information to our phone until our phones literally take over all aspects of our lives.

  10. Starbucks going mobile is a great idea that will surely create a lot more revenue for starbucks than it currently has. I agree with you Kendall when you said that seeing the app on your phone will make people more prone to buy coffee from Starbucks. I also haven't seen any commercials about Starbucks lately and I feel that the best way for people to be influenced to buy your products is to make sure they physically see your product or logo whenever they are doing their everyday tasks.
