According to the Huffington Post, a new IPhone is up and coming this summer, supposedly around June of 2011. The idea that a new iPhone 5 is out and about is the most exciting part of this announcement – everyone loves a new iPhone! Rumor has it that it may be bigger or smaller, but the antenna problem should be fixed. Also, the Huffington Post states that the back will most likely be made of aluminum, just like the first round of the iPhone. Hopefully the screen issue will be fixed as well. However, whatever Apple produces will have to compete with the new and upcoming phones out on the market and the phones that will be out soon. A smaller screen with the easily breakable glass and the terrible antenna problems associated with the current iPhone 4 will just not cut it. But as we all know, Apple will impress us. I have no doubt they will struggle at all. I think it is safe to say that the new iPhone 5 will wipe out all other competition in a heartbeat, sorry HTC and Blackberry. Along with wiping out all other competition, it will be another great stimulus to the current economy, like all other new products Apple produces. Anyways, like we all know, no one will know for sure what Apple will put on the table. I guess we will all just have to wait and see!
-Haley R
-Haley R
Why is the iPhone, with the problems you listed, still such a phenomenon?
ReplyDeleteDo you think the fact that Apple does keep the features of their new products secret help them in a plethora of free advertising as people try to predict the features?
I'm going to have to disagree with you. I feel like the problems and dissatisfaction with the iPhone 4 and the fact that it didn’t match up to its hype would make iPhone users loose interest in the new iPhone and would tempt them in to trying out one of the new phones just now hitting the market such as the android which is supposedly much better than the iPhone. The fact that apple is barely revealing anything about the new iPhone just adds to the lessoning of the hype, why should people stay loyal to the iPhone? What is this new one going to offer us when the last model was such a disappointment? And if the new iPhone 5 will somehow "wipe out" all the competition of other new phones of the market, how would that help our economy? That would just send other companies into bankrupt and just cause apple to dominate even more than they already have been and make it even more impossible for small businesses to flourish.
ReplyDeleteThe only way this could help boost our economy is if the iphone 5 is as bad as the last one so that it could actually give other phone companies a chance of competing with apple. Also you didnt have any use of economic terms or anything realted to the economy.
ReplyDeleteMaybe Kern, I'm not quite sure what Apples tactics may be.
ReplyDeleteBut, Will, I do believe the new iPhone model will create a new demand on the market. There is no question about it. It will be the "hot new item" that everyone will be talking about and for that, there will be an urgent demand for it. With such a demand, there will most likely be a shortage of the new iPhone. Also, the price of the “old” iPhone, iPhone 4, will most likely drop like in previous times. This will hopefully help Apple get rid of the older iPhones and also create a profit. I'm just interested in how it may effect our economy and what Apple comes up with. And just to answer your question, the other companies will always have buyers, its just those who have been indecisive about choosing between one of those and the iPhone may not be able to turn such a great option down. We will just have to see how it all turns out.
I somewhat agree with Kern in the sense that this phone is still extremely popular despite many of the malfunctions it has. On top of having many drop calls that I myself have experienced, the iPhone 4 is very fragile. For example, the screen is so sensitive that if you were to drop it on the floor in the right place, the entire screen would be cracked making it extremely difficult to use the phone. Replacing this damage is quite expensive so sometimes I ask myself is it worth it? I also don't understand how an unreliable phone like this continues to be successful but the fact is that it is. It's one of the most used phones in all of the United States; people love it because of its ability to do so many different things with one simple electronic device. I love my iPhone 4 and I’m so glad to have it in one piece; it’s the only phone I would ever consider getting besides a Blackberry but I believe iPhone’s are way easier to work. I’m excited to see the new iPhone 5 and see how these issues have been solved, hopefully they have. Even if they haven’t, consumers will still continue to buy this phone because it is so prestigious and fun to have. It’s able to do so many things that many phones cannot do. Also, having an iPhone may seem to be the “cool” thing to do for some people. It’s a trend to have an iPhone, everyone has one, right? Apples products are always super high tech and sleek which attracts so many consumers. I think this iPhone 5 will once again be an instant success.
ReplyDeleteApple wipes out all other competition because of their name; everyone knows what Apple products are because everyone has one. People buy them just to fit in with the crowd. iPhones are great phones, they have just about everything you could need all in one tiny gadget. If all iPhones have the same problem and most everyone has one, then nobody will feel less because they don’t have the “popular” phone with the problems that nobody else can relate to. The iPhone 5 will generate just as much hype as their previous models just because they are Apple and all other phone companies will have to push themselves to come up with something more breakthrough than the latest iPhone. These companies should always challenge themselves to have the newest and best technology so they can outsell anyone that stands in their way just like Apple has done. And a new model and older models going on sale will boost the business of the cell phone companies like AT&T and Verizon who carry these products. People will have more of an incentive to switch to them because they can either get the latest iPhone or a previous model that is cheaper.
ReplyDeleteI liked how you pointed out all the problems with Apple products, but do you really think they will all be fixed with this new edition of the iPhone? I agree with Will, the Droid is a big hit now and I’m pretty sure competition will not be wiped out. Competition will never be finished because different companies are thinking up ideas that maybe other people have not thought of. Apple is always coming out with new editions of products they have already created, but they will never be able to perfect any one of their Apple products. Maybe in a decade or two the iPhone will end up like the recent Razor or Sidekick. We hardly ever hear about those phones anymore. Apple product inventors should be thinking about the past and connecting it to today to see what the future for their products might be.
ReplyDeleteI’m not completely disagreeing with you though, everybody loves the iPhone, and it is awesome. People will continue to buy iPhones but with all these money problems going on, people will not buy a new phone every time a new edition comes out. Many people wait through their contract for their phone to be upgraded. Apple products are relatively new, it is hot right now but it will not last forever.
Iram, that is a good point. It may not last forever. I'm just excited and interested to see what has improved or degraded, and how the phone/electronic market is affected by the new Iphone 5.